When I first started my practice I used this blog as my website, intending it to be static—mainly offering information on EFT and who I am and what I offer. As my practice grew I decided to have a real website. It has a ridiculously long url, but lots of good information for people. It was a do it yourself project and doesn’t have as many bells and whistle as I’d like, but it gets the ideas across. But like most websites, it’s pretty much static—it’s a hassle changing it and the process of re-writing everything could drive me crazy. And where would that get us?
And so I’m starting over with this blog and I intend to make it as conversational as possible. I have case studies I want to share (with permission!) and thoughts on EFT and my own private practice as it evolves. I don’t know how much traffic I’ll get, but I’m hoping people use the comments—either to ask questions or to….leave comments?
In case you are new to blogs, they always have the most recent post at the top. So, if you want to start from the beginning, you’ll have to scroll down to the bottom and work your way up—sort of like the therapeutic process!