Since my last post I've been to Thailand, written a book and revamped my EFT website. Not to mention seeing a few clients here and there.
I went to Thailand to have my teeth fixed. I ended up saving over four thousand dollars doing this! And that's including the price of the airfare. I was so happy with the quality of the care I received, not to mention saving all that money, that I decided to write a "how to" book so other folks could take advantage of this opportunity. My book just went on sale yesterday. I'm going to put a little ad on this blog for it.
I've also re-done my website, mainly re-writing parts of it to match my growing understanding of energy psychology. I'm not liable to win the Pulitzer Prize, but I think it will be more useful for people looking for help. Here's a sample:
Another great feature of EFT involves the elimination of self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs. This can be a by-product of working with painful memories, or they can be pursued directly. What do I mean by “beliefs”?
We develop our “core beliefs” in two ways. By nature we interpret the events we experience. We might decide that the cruelty of a parent, for example, means that something is dreadfully wrong with us. Or that the world is not a safe place. Or that we should never sing, because that's what seemed to provoke the parent's anger.
Sometimes we are told these things directly by our parents or other authority figures. Once we accept these that we're clumsy, or mean, or lazy the pattern is set. Or we might ingest the idea that money is evil, or men are all pigs, or nothing comes easy in this world.
Once we adopt these beliefs they become the lenses through which we see and interpret future events. They tend to become self reinforcing. By subconsciously expecting bad things to happen we tend to attract them.
It can take years of traditional therapy to uncover and change these dysfunctional core beliefs. With EFT it can be done in a matter of hours, especially with the help of a skilled practitioner.
If you've been wanting positive change in your life, let me encourage you to give EFT a try, either on your own, or with a practitioner. Click here for more information on booking a session.