This year Gary established an official EFT credential program with rigorous exams to pass. So far just the Cert-1 is available to take. I spent a good solid month studying for the test, which was largely based on three sets of training dvds. Rumor had it that the exam was pretty tough. It was. There's no way you could pass it without a thorough knowledge and understanding of the material.
At first I was reluctant to commit the time and energy to studying. I had already watched the dvds once, studied the manual and The Promise of Energy Psychology. I'd taken three workshops for practitioners, and worked with a great many clients with fantastic results.
As soon as I began studying though, I became very excited--picking up ideas and techniques I'd missed or glanced over the first time though. My sessions with clients became even more productive and my enthusiasm for EFT has been supercharged.
Now that I'm on the website, I'm getting calls from all around the US and abroad, and doing more phone sessions than ever before. I love it.
If you'd like to start learning EFT, the best place to start is downloading Gary's free manual. Here's a link.