Now I’ve always been a ‘do-it-yourself-er’ kind of guy, so my first thought was “why would anyone actually pay you to do what they could so easily do for themselves?” Clearly not an issue for most of her clients. I guess if your house has been a big mess for the past 12 years, eventually you stop kidding yourself.
She said her biggest challenge was helping prospective clients see the value in having an organized home. What would it mean to them to have all that extra space? To be able to find what they were looking for right away? To enjoy the serenity that naturally follows simplicity?
As she talked I began to see the similarities with the work I do. Only, instead of working on their house, I help them clean out the basement (that is, their subconscious mind).
Let me tell you, for most people, the subconscious mind is a really big mess. There are heaps of old tape loops—half of them running nonstop and the other half set to click on at the drop of a hat. You’ve got closets full of deep dark memories, all saturated with the worst sorts of emotions, often leaking out onto current events. There are self-sabotaging programs kicking the props out from under of all efforts for change and progress. We see piles of debilitating core beliefs, not to mention energy draining guilt and shame deposits. Ugh!
Until EFT came along, dealing with your subconscious was really not a ‘do-it-yourself’ kind of job. Not that you were likely to get all that much help from the pros. But where traditional talk therapy gives you a teaspoon and says “start digging”, EFT hands you a snow shovel. You can make a lot of progress very quickly!
And that’s just doing it on your own. A session with a skilled practitioner? Imagine Mr. Clean with a backhoe and a fire hose—we’re going to clear out a lot of ‘stuff’ fast.
Sometimes when I’m telling people about EFT I feel like a snake oil salesman. It probably sounds too good to be true. Imagine trying to describe an ipod to a teenager back in 1966.
But today I’m wondering if I’ve been doing a good enough job helping prospective clients see the value of a clean and organized subconscious mind?
Whether you do it yourself, or hire a pro, the ultimate benefits are the same: enhanced inner peace, the freedom to know and pursue your passions, greater clarity, energy and health, and new access to happiness and joy.
EFT. It's a great "product". Fast, effective and FREE! Try it on Everything. Try it today!