Matrix Reimprinting

I'm in love!
Matrix Reimprinting is a fantastic new technique that has captured my heart. This technique uses EFT but takes it a step further. The idea is that whenever we experience trauma (big or small) a part of us splits off and takes up residence in it's own energy field.

We call this split off part an ECHO (energy consciousness hologram) and it's very similar to the idea of an inner child--except that it can be any age (we have plenty of traumas as adults) and it isn't really "inner"--it lives in our energy field.

The amazing thing is that these ECHOs are real. They seem to have an independent, autonomous intelligence. I didn't fully believe this at first, but now that I've worked with enough of them, I know it's true. How do I know? When we ask them a question, the answer is often astonishing to my client. They have their own insights and desires. Really.

So how does it work? To put it very simply, I help my client step into the "matrix" (the field where the ECHO is living) and coach them to tap on their ECHO until the emotional distress is reduced. We then ask the ECHO what they learned about life from that experience. This provides immediate, clear understanding of the client's core beliefs. This is exactly where they come from!

We then ask the ECHO how they would like to change the situation to feel better about it. We can make all kinds of suggestions, practical and magical, but we want the ECHO to come up with the best solution. This is where the client gets some real surprises!

Once the situation is resolved in a good way and the original trauma has been replaced with good, happy feelings, we use an imprinting process to literally transform the original memory into the new picture.

When the client goes to remember the original event, they will see the new, happy picture instead. Or something along those lines.

This is incredibly profound work. Changing these memories seems to transform the original core belief, and bring about a fundamental shift in the person.

Right now it looks like I'll be certified as a Matrix Reimprinting practitioner by the end of April. I've been using it with great success in almost every session.
I'm in love!
If you'd like to book a session let me know. I can do this work over the phone!