Does this sound familiar? A patient lies on a padded leather couch, while the bearded old Freudian analyst scribbles on his pad of paper and murmurs “go on” and “I see” and “yes, now tell me about your mother”. The whole affair is vastly time consuming, expensive and ineffective. Honestly, therapy is for rich, neurotic and pathetic New Yorkers who should just get over themselves, right?
I mention this common stereotype for two reasons. One is that many people are embarrassed to ask for help with emotional problems.
There is nothing frivolous or self indulgent about getting help!
To the contrary, it takes courage and responsibility to put the energy into making your life better. The desire to better ourselves and grow is essential to our humanity and to our happiness.
The second point I'd like to make is that EFT sessions are an incredible bargain. Instead of the long drawn out course of treatment in our stereotype, where you hope you might be getting better, with EFT you can expect to quickly resolve your issues permanently.
Most of my clients are “done” after one to six sessions. By this I mean they are substantially over their issues and able to engage life again with new energy and optimism.