Let's play with this metaphor:
Caught up in an adventure, you escape from the bad guys by jumping into a hot air balloon. Casting off you quickly rise up out of their reach. Ha ha! But turning around you see the city rooftops rushing toward you—you aren't going to clear them! You'll crash and burn! Oh no!
At this point in the film, what do you do? You begin tossing sandbags over the side, of course. As you dump the extra weight, the balloon soars higher, clearing the rooftops and sailing on into a beautiful new day, full of promise and wonder. Pass the popcorn, please.
Lightening up is really just the flip side of losing weight, wouldn't you agree? We need to lighten up whenever we're taking things too seriously, feeling unhappy, forgetting to count our blessings or not enjoying life as much as we might. These are our sandbags.
Most people who struggle with weight loss are fixated on their body. The weight they want to lose is the excess fat on their stomach, thighs or butt. Since fat is a physical thing tied to eating too much, or eating the bad stuff, it just makes sense to diet and exercise.
But if this is just plain common sense, why doesn't it work? The weight always returns, and usually with a little extra thrown in. Why?
When you decide to go on a diet (and stay on it) that's a conscious decision. You've made that decision with your conscious mind, and your conscious mind likes to pretend it's in charge of your will power. But it really isn't.
Most people don't realize just how powerful their subconscious mind is. In fact, some people don't even know they have one! Consider the millions (or even billions) of tiny little decisions and actions required just to walk across a room (or lift a piece of chocolate cake to your mouth). Our conscious mind simply isn't up to the job. Almost everything gets decided subconsciously.
For example, suppose you are driving along and suddenly the brake lights on the car ahead of you flash red. Do you have time to think “Hmmmm, those break lights just turned red, what does that mean again? Oh yes, it's a message that I should hit my brakes. But really, I am in a hurry and why should I have to obey all these rules anyway? What's the worst that could happen...., oh right, a crash. Well that would be bad. I guess I'll hit the brakes to avoid it”?
When brake lights flash red a simple program is activated:
Most people have a host of programs just around food issues. Here's a very simple example:
You may have dozens of food programs running all the time, and they may be tied in to all sorts of subconscious belief systems. A common one for many women runs something like
If you set your conscious will power against a program like that, guess which one is going to win? These unhelpful (and sometimes toxic) subconscious programs are the sandbags we need to toss. And that's where Energy Psychology comes in.
It used to be with traditional talk therapy that the best you could hope for would be an understanding of your sandbags. You could eventually gain insight into what they were and where you picked them up, but there was no real way to chuck them over the side. That's all changed.
With the new meridian tapping techniques, like EFT, you can actually delete, erase, and replace these programs. The process basically involves calling the program up into your energy field, within a context of self acceptance, and then tapping on a sequence of acupuncture points. It sounds more complicated than it is. You can find more detailed instructions by clicking here.
My Never Diet Again program is based around a script to read while tapping. The script contains all of the most common sandbags, programs, core beliefs and emotional triggers that keep extra weight on and prevent lasting change. This will save you time and trouble digging around in your subconscious.
Whether you use our program or do it yourself, it's absolutely possible to tap away the barriers, not only to losing weight, but to feeling good about ourselves too.
One reason for optimism is this: Our bodies come to us all nicely programmed to recognize and desire just the right combination of foods for optimal health and well being. In other words, our “default” settings are perfect. So it's just a matter of removing all the added on junk.
And that's the weight to lose first.