Language Barrier

On Sunday I had a client with a very lovely Russian accent.  We began doing some Matrix Reimprinting work with a difficult memory and everything seemed to be going well until it was time to ask her echo (younger split off self) what she was feeling.  My client got no response.  Very unusual!
We tried working with some of the other people in the scene and response.  Hmmmm.  Everything else seemed to be working.  She was able to see them clearly and tap on them. 
When we went to an earlier memory, when her echo was only four years old, my client suddenly realized "Oh!  She doesn't understand me because I'm speaking English!  She only speaks Russian!"
I had heard of this happening but had forgotten, in part because my client's English was really good.  Once she switched to Russian we were very successful!
The very next day I was working with a Polish woman and knew enough to have her speak Polish to her younger selves.  I just thought that was fascinating!