
Last night a friend came over with her new sweetheart. She'd been telling us that he has had a nasty case of gout. Gout? I didn't know people still got that. Makes me think of Benjamin Franklin! He was very happy to try tapping, although his gout had been getting better. He said it was only about a "2", but had been upwards of 9 or 10 a few weeks earlier.
We tapped on "this gout" and "this inflammation and pain", which brought it down to a one. Then on impulse I had him tap on "this fear of taking a step" and "this fear of moving ahead in my life" and "putting my best foot forward". That took it all the way down to zero. He was very happy!
I really love seeing these physical problems vanish. I've been reading a great book The Genie In Your Genes, which explains how that's possible.